Sometimes the hardest part of being a nursing student or soon to be graduate nurse is to get the right experience before you decide what you want to do.
Really how do you know if you want to work in pediatrics, emergency room or in the operating room? Well one way is to get real life experience while you are still in school and work at a hospital that can provide you with work that allows you to see how things work.
Some hospitals are able to offer a few internships and residencies in a few area, however some over much more. Florida Hospital is a leader in many healthcare areas and with it’s 7 hospital locations in the Orlando area offers opportunity like few hospitals in the country.
Nursing Specialty Units with programs include Cardiology, Critical Care, Diabetes, ER, Family Practice, Medical Surgical, Neurology, Obstetrics / Perinatal / Neonatology, Oncology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pulmonary, Progressive Care, Psychiatry and Urology.
If you are a nursing student and are thinking about getting into any of these areas, learn about the opportunities at Florida Hospital. From what I know these programs are competitive and not everyone who applies gets in, to me that is a good thing.
If you want to learn more about this Student Nurse and Graduate Nurse opportunities go to Florida Hospital’s Link to Your Future web site.